Get around during your stay to Nicaragua with iGuideNicaragua.
FREE and reliable Nicaragua travel and visitors guide
featuring up-to-date information on destinations, getting around, maps, safety tips, hotels, restaurants, attractions, phone numbers and other essential information.
iGuideNicaragua is an interactive travel and visitors guide that lets you find detailed destination information to Nicaraguan destinations from anywhere on your iPhone, iPad, or ITouch without the necessity of an internet connection during your trip.
iGuideNicaragua is very easy to use! iGuideNicaragua does not require typing, searching, nor internet connection.
iGuideNicaragua Features:
Very easy to use!
•Up-to-date information on destinations, getting around, maps, safety tips, hotels, restaurants, attractions, phone numbers and other essential information.
•9 destinations each with about pages, photos, and up-to-date information on where to eat & stay, what to do, and interactive online maps.
•Internet connection is not necessary , information is stored within iGuideNicaragua app.
•Highlights section - Features the best of Nicaragua you dont want to miss.
•About Pages
•Getting Around
•Rental Cars
•Buses & Taxis
•Safety Tips
•Embassy & Emergency Phones and addresses
•9 interactive Maps for those times you will have internet or wifi.
Download iGuideNicaragua now and start planning your trip to Nicaragua!